Prerequisites and Requirements

If you can understand this code , you know enough Python for this course:

import random

def ChooseTwice(items):
    a = random.choice(items)
    b = random.choice(items)
    return a, b

names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Debra"]
(one, two) = ChooseTwice(names)
if one == two:
    print "%s is happy!" % one
    print "%s likes %s!" % (one, two)

You can use a command-line interface (terminal).

Some of the exercises in this course involve using a Unix-style command-line interface to enter commands, run Python programs, and navigate directories.

If you have taken our course on Git and Github, the level of command-line use in this course is similar.

You don't need to be a Web programmer.

This course does include a small Web application and some HTML and JavaScript in examples, but you will not need to make changes in these languages.

這門課接觸到的 Web application 會有 HTML, JavaScript 的 Code,但是不會要你修改。

You don't need any previous database experience.

This course is an entry-level introduction to relational databases.

You need a programming text editor (such as Atom) installed on your computer. You should be able to use it to open and edit files of Python code.

這門課不需要有任何跟 database 有關的經驗,只是要安裝程式編譯器,像 Atom

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