Favorite Animals
Here's a hard problem. Which of all of animals is the cutest? The bear or tiger? Everybody's got different opinion. Have you ever seen the website, kittenwear.com? It's a site where people can upload pictures of their cats and vote on which kitten is the cutest. Well, why don't we do the same thing for these zoo animals? Let's take look at what the database for that might look like.
這邊有一個難題,你覺得哪一種動物最可愛?這個問題每個人的答案不同。你曾經聽過 kittenwar 這個網站嗎,你可以上傳你家貓咪的照片,然後讓大家投票哪隻貓咪最可愛。我們以在動物園做一樣的事,我們先來看看 database 會長的怎麼樣,請看下一節。
Check out Kittenwar: http://www.kittenwar.com/