Intro To Data Types

All these things can be represented as data. Data helps us to understand the world. There is no different in programming. Data and data types are the building blocks of any programming language because they help us organize information and determine how our programs run.

Example - Facebook Profile

You will see the name, the number of friends you have, the time of your last post.

All this information is being gathered, calculated and presented to your friends visiting your profile.

It's important to aware of what types of data you're using and when it's appropriate to use each type.

In this lesson, we will start by learning how to define and manipulate primitive data types of JavaScript.

  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • Booleans
  • undefined
  • null

Once you're familiar with them. You'll see how you can store data into variables so you can reuse and manipulate data throughout your code.

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