History of JavaScript

In 1995, JavaScript is created in just 10 days by Brendan Eich. While Eich was working on the Netscape Navigator.

Netscape Navigator was one of the Internet's first web browsers. Before Eich created Javascript, websites just existed as HTML and CSS with the occasional plug-in or Java applet.

Java and JavaScript

JavaScript in this course is totally different and not related to Java in any way.

The fact is JavaScript has a weird past when it comes to names.

JavaScript was originally called LiveScript. It was changed back to JavaScript as a marketing decision in order to the piggyback off the popularity of Java at that time(以利用當時 Java 的名氣).

As the language evolved, competing versions of the language emerged. So JavaScript eventually taken to ECMA international that an official standard for the language could be formed.

隨著程式語言的發展,有許多與之競爭的語言,後來 Javascirpt 被納入 ECMA International 的官方標準。

Today the language of itself is still referred to as JavaScript. But recent versions are referenced by their ECMAScript version number, like ES5 or ES6. Even more recently, the standard body has transformed to a year-based number to promote a more consistent release cycle. So we now have ES2016, ES2017, and so on.

現在 JavaScript 仍稱為 JavaScript,之前的一些版本會用 ECMAScript version number 像是 ES5,ES6。更接近現在的版本會套上年份變成 ES2016,ES2017 這樣。


JavaScript is going to be one of most popular language in the world and is considered one of the three fundamental pillars of front-end web development.

Javascript 被視為網站前端開發的三大支柱之一。

HTML,CSS and JavaScript

HTML and CSS are markup languages. Markup languages are used to describe and define elements within a document.

JavaScript is a programming language. Programming languages are used to communicate instructions to a machine. Programming languages can be used to control the behavior of a machine and to express algorithms.

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