Quiz: Looking At Tables

In a relational databases, we store our data in the form of tables. So, here's table with some data in it. You probably already know how to answer a lot of questions using data and tables.

現在這邊有一個 table,你可能已經知道要怎麼利用他回答一些問題。

Database tables aren't all that different from tables you might find in an infographic or reference book. Looking at a table like this, you can tell things like the population of Brazil or the literacy rate in Argentina. So, even before we get into databases in any kind of detail, you can probably already answer some questions about how tables work. Don't worry about getting these questions right or wrong, but take a moment to think about your answers before we go on.

你可以從圖表裡知道像巴西的人口或是阿根廷的識字率,在我們深入了解 database 之前,先試著回答一些問題。

So first, when we look across a row like this one, what do these values in common? And second, when we look down a column like this one, what do the values have in common?


All of the values in a row, are part of the same sentence describing a country, like Columbia. Columbia has population of 47 million and the literacy rate of 94%. And all of the values in a column, are ones that have the same role or place.


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