
In the coming weeks and months, you're going to be learning the foundational skills used every day by iOS developers. You are also be learning the Swift programming language which is Apple's custom language designed for iOS, Mac OS and watchOS development. Before going any further, you'll need to download and install the core tool for any iOS developer, Xcode. Xcode is Apple's integrated development environment which in layman's term is where you build apps. Downloading Xcode is simple. It's available for free on the App Store app on your Mac or simply click on this link.

接下來的課程會教到 iOS 開發者每天會用到的基本技巧,也會學到 Swift 這套由 Apple 設計用來開發 iOS、Mac OS 和 Watch OS 的程式語言。在這之前請先下載 iOS 的整合開發環境 Xcode來創建與開發你的 app。下載 Xcode 很簡單,這裡有個下載連結,就從 Mac 電腦開啟 App Store 後搜尋 Xcode ,接著就可以免費下載囉。

About Swift

  • Swift was released in 2014 by Apple.
  • Swift builds on the best of the C and Objective-C programming languages.
  • Swift adopts multiple programming paradigms (like procedural, object-oriented, and functional).
  • Swift is designed to work with Apple’s Cocoa frameworks; the Cocoa frameworks are used to create applications for OS X, iOS, and watchOS.
  • Swift is designed to catch and handle errors gracefully.
  • Swift contains many modern programming language features (like closures, protocols, and generics).

The instructor for the course is Rod.In the first part of this course, we're going to build an app that lets you record your voice and play it back with sound effects.

這門課的老師是 Rod,我們將會做一個可以錄音的 App,播放聲音時還可以加一些效果。

This course we assumes you're familiar with the basic programming concepts, like if statements, loops and classes.

這門課會假設你已經有 if statements, loops 和 classes 這些概念,你不需要寫過 iOS App 或 Swift,課程中都會講到。

Developing for iOS is a lot of fun. You get to write apps that you can carry right in your pocket.

Let's start by looking at the steps we'll take to build this app.

接下來會介紹課程內容,開發 iOS 很有趣,好好享受吧~

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