Why Anaconda?

Anaconda is a distribution of packages built for data science. It comes with conda, a package and environment manager. You'll be using conda to create environments for isolating your projects that use different versions of Python and/or different packages. You'll also use it to install, uninstall, and update packages in your environments. Using Anaconda has made my life working with data much more pleasant.

A lot of time we're working with projects that requires different library versions or different version of Python you even. My experience and many other people. It's really difficult to get all these versions to play nicely on one computer. To solve the problem we use virtual environments managed with libraries such as Virtualenv. Virtual environment let you separate libraries required by different project, so you can avoid conflicts.

大多時候,我們的專案可能需要不同的 library 版本或是不同的 Python 版本,要在一台電腦同時運行不同版本,這件事相當困難,因此我們會使用像 Virtualenv 這樣的虛擬環境。Virtual environment 會讓你將不同專案的 library 分別獨立,避免衝突。

If you're working with data though, Anaconda is a way to go. Anaconda is a distribution of libraries and software specifically built for data science. It comes with Conda, a package and environment manager that will make your life a thousand times better.

如果你要處理數據,Anaconda 會是最好的選擇,Anaconda 是一個library 跟軟體的分發平台。裡面包含 Conda ,Conda 幫你管理 package 跟環境,可以提高效率。

Now I'll show you a bit about using Conda. I generally create a new environment for each project I start, this way I can keep the necessary package versions separate. For example if I want to start a new project with Python 3. Which you should be using for all new projects, I can create an environment for it. Type in conda create, give it a name, tea_facts. It's a bot that tweets facts about tea and the python version, three and enter.

現在來簡單示範一下 Conda,一般專案開始的時候我們就會創建 environment

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