Concepts of Digital Audio and Sampling: Analog to Digital and Back
在 Module 8 中我們介紹了 analog sound 跟 acoustics(聲學)
- Analog represents events that are recorded as continuous in nature, as opposed to digital events that are represented as discrete steps or numbers.
下面這張圖表示聲音的震動被 analog transducer(感測器) 轉換。聲音的波動(analog vibration)從歌手的聲帶快速震動開始產生,然後轉換成空氣的波動(fluctuations in air pressure),這個波動改變麥克風的電壓,麥克風的聲音由擴音器放出,擴音器的邊框(cone of speaker)會快速震動(rapid movement),又再一次造成空氣的波動。不管是聲帶(vocal cord)、空氣、麥克風、擴音器(speaker)都是 聲音的感測器(analog transducers of sound),彼此之間轉換震動與能量。
- Analog transformation of sound from voice, to air, to microphone, to speaker, and back to air
錄音機錄音 - 圖 8.13
我們要如何捕捉這種類比的聲音震動呢(analog sound vibrations)?以古早的錄音帶為例,延續上面剛剛的圖,在麥克風的後面我們加上錄音帶做錄音。錄音時,麥克風裡的電壓震盪會被磁帶的 recording head 轉換成 magnetic particles。
- The electrical voltage oscillations from the microphone are transformed by the tape recorder's recording head into patterns of magnetic particles along the length of recording tape.
那在錄完錄音帶回放的時候,隨著錄音機(recorder)磁頭(playback head)的讀取, magnetic particles 會形成電壓的變動。
錄音機的這些轉換(transformation)都屬於 analog representations。
電腦錄音 - 圖 8.14
現在我們把錄音帶換成電腦,麥克風的電壓變動會透過 Analog-to-Digital conversion 轉成數字讓電腦儲存。
一樣看上面那張圖,ADC 表示在執行 analog-to-digital converter 的過程,並產生一堆數字,每個數字都從 analog sound 取樣而來,DAC 是從 digital-to-analog,將數字轉換成 analog,讓擴音器產生 analog sound。
ADC 與 DAC 轉換圖 - 圖 8.15
下面說明了整個從聲波透過 ADC 取樣,到變成 wavetable 然後經過 DAC 重構。
- The digital sampling process from an analog waveform, to a waveform table, then reconstructed again as an analog sound.
至於這種取樣過後的聲音跟原始聲音的相似度就取決於 sampling rate 跟 sampling widt(我們也稱作 quantizing),接著來詳細說明。
備註:Viewport V MIDI data 的時候也提到 Quantizing 這個詞,但跟這邊的意思不同。
The term "bit depth" is also used to refer to sampling width or quantizing. They all mean the same thing.
Sampling Rates and Quantizing
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