The Way of Developing Android app
如同寫 email 與朋友聯繫要用 Gmail,要寫程式與電腦溝通也需要像 Gmail 一樣的工具,這個工具我們稱作 IDE。在 Android 裡我們會用 Android Studio 當作 IDE,做為我們寫程式的工作。在寄 email 時我們可能會用英文(語言)寄信,那在寫 Android app 時也會用程式語言,這邊我們先從 XML 開始,我們可用 XML 去刻出 app 的畫面。
- XML stands for Extensible Markup Language
- It's a way to describe how your Android app is going to look. We can use it to build layouts.
- Integrated development environment (IDE)
- This is the tool in which we will write our code. Similar to how we can use GMail as the tool to write an email, to write code for Android, we will use an IDE an IDE called Android Studio.