CS 50
The advantage of this series is understanding each programming language quickly. And then according to your interest and master it.
Launching IDE from the Command Line
atom .
這一頁有講到,可以搜尋 atom .:http://flight-manual.atom.io/getting-started/sections/atom-basics/
喚醒 VS Code 的指令
code .
- 實作 setupBasicLink.html,怎麼設定連結,連結可以連到內頁,也可以連到其他網站像 Google。或是連到同一頁的其他區塊。
Use ID jumping to the section I want in same page link to different sections in the same page
- 實作 CSS 的 defendant selector 和 immediate child selector, attribute selector
- 當滑鼠 hover 到按鈕上會變顏色
- hover pseudo-class
- 當用戶反白某一段文字時,字的顏色變成紅色,背景變成黃色
- selector.html
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